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Nederlandse Ambassade in Kabul Afghanistan. Bij noodsituaties in het buitenland. Hoe gaat het aanvragen in zijn werk. Global Conference on CyberSpace 2015. Nederland in Mensenrechtenraad Verenigde Naties.
اخیرا آزار و اذیت خانم ها در جاده ها و اماکن عمومی نسبت به گذشته افزایش یافته.
CPAU is an Afghan-led organisation with around two decades of experience in promoting peace and social justice in Afghanistan. CPAU was founded in 1996. CPAU relocated is the first Afghan-led, research and peace-building organisation in Afghanistan.
Afghanistankomiteen har mer enn 30 års erfaring fra Afghanistan. Vi driver hovedsakelig med landsbygdutvikling og jordmorutdanning. Å bidra til en kvinnes utdanning er å investere i tre generasjoner. Hjelp oss å gi flere utdanning! Vil du bli medlem? Vil du gjøre en frivillig innsats for Afghanistan? Her finner du informasjon. Vil du bli vår kollega? Velkommen til Landsmøte 2015.
Is Afghanistan a middle-eastern country? No, a South Central Asian country. People of Afghanistan are called Afghans, not Afghani. Afghani is name of the currency used in Afghanistan. Are Afghans and Arabs the same? No, people of Afghanistan are Afghans, consisting of many different ethnicities, but we are united as Afghans. Are all Afghans Muslims? Islam is the dominant religion in Afghanistan, but there are also Sikh, Hindu, Jewish and Christian people living in Afghanistan. There are also other smalle.
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